This Week’s Workouts

So far my workouts for the have looked like this:

Monday – 60 minutes of light yoga

Tuesday – got dressed for a run but then didn’t go

Wednesday – 4 mile run in 36 minutes

Thursday – 7.3 mile run in 65 minutes

Friday – To Be Determined

I’d like to get in another 10 miles over the next three days (I count Sunday as this week), which shouldn’t be too hard.  Tomorrow I’m heading to Lululemon for 60 minutes of yoga, and Sunday I may go to my old gym for a 90 minute yoga class.

Jason and I are starting to prepare for our next marathon.  If we decide to pull the trigger (we are looking at The Twin Cities Marathon on Oct. 3), we will start training May 31 with an 18 week program.  I’m hoping that we run around 20 – 25 miles the next two weeks to get some confidence before embarking on a full training program.  Since our marathon, we’ve just been running for fun and without a set plan. Typically we’ve been running 15 miles a week for the past two months and I feel a bit nervous about training again.

I’ll write more about our training program as we get closer to starting it. We aren’t really following one set program but are going to decrease our running days, and increase our cross-training days.   We both felt like we lost a lot of muscle during our last marathon training because we ran 5 days a week and didn’t do much strength training for the 5 months.  This time we are planning to run 3 or 4 days a week (with an emphasis on speed work), cross-train 2 or 3 days a week, and rest one day.  I’m really excited about building in cross-training days.  My goal is on cross-training days to do 60-90 minute yoga class; as well as regularly doing some strength training from home.

Have a lovely Friday.  What are your plans for the weekend?

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